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How to Cleanse Your Crystals

Q. How do I cleanse my crystal?

You can use White Sage, Palo Santo or the Crystal Cleansing Sprayto cleanse your crystals.

Q: How often should you cleanse your crystals?

We encourage and teach our customers to empower them, to cleanse their crystals once they bring the crystal home. And if you use it often, to cleanse it at least weekly. You may decide to do it more often.

How to Charge Your Crystals

Q: How to charge my crystals?

You may use another crystal such as a selenite slab, or plate, clear quartz cluster, amethyst cave and so on, to charge your smaller crystals. You will still need to cleanse the larger crystals you use for charging as well.

Pyramids and sacred geometry can also be used to charge your crystals.

You may also use the energies from the sun and moon to charge your crystals. Remember, lighter pastel coloured crystals should be charged in the moon, not in the sun as they may fade over time.

Q : How often should I charge my crystals?

If you use them often, please charge them often. At least 2x a month.

After I buy my crystal, what do I do with it?

Q: Common question- what do I do with the crystal after I bring it home

Once you bring it home, you should cleanse it.

After that you can program it. You may have read else where about setting intentions, this is the same thing. You are giving the crystal you just bought a set of clear instructions to help it, help you.

You may wish to close your eyes, breathe deeply and centre and ground yourself. Hold the crystal in your hands, and speak to it, from your heart, clearly stating your intent. If you have trouble with this, you may wish to write it down first.

Omg. I broke my crystal.

Q: I broke my crystal! Help!!!!

It does happen. It may be your favourite piece, and there's a million ways to rationalise what just happened. Please try not to.

If it's chipped, it's very likely the crystal is still useable. The time when it should be returned to Mother Earth, is when it breaks, and it becomes murky energetically or colour-wise.

What else can I do with my crystals?

Q: What can I do with my crystals?

The ways to use crystals is varied, creative and fun. Think back to historical dramas where royalty, spiritual leaders would use them not just as jewellry, but also as part of their crowns, armour and clothing. There is a reason why, and we still encourage customers to get creative with this as well. Hold them, wear them, meditate with them, use them as art pieces in your home, Minerals are here to support mankind on our journey on Earth. The closer they are with you, the better!

Q: Do you hold any crystal classes?

Currently we do not have any crystal classes. If we do, we will announce it on Telegram, or Instagram.

Instagram Live Sales

Q:  What is this?

We hold a live sale on Instagram weekly. Announcements are made on Instagram in our profile. Closer to the date, we post photos/ videos and stories about what will be shown. Make a date with us. Curl up with your beverage of choice, as we present new arrivals of crystals and healing tools to you. This is also a sacred space for our tribe to gather, and share our love for crystals.

Yes, you can buy/ claim crystals directly from the sale. We will invoice you within 1-2 days after the sale for your claimed items. More on Live Sale Rules and Policies here.

Q: Can I self collect?

Unfortunately no. We currently do not have a physical location. Maybe someday we will again. If you follow us on Instagram or are on our mailing list, you will be the first to know! In the meantime, we offer free local shipping for orders above $80. ( all our prices are in SGD)

Otherwise it's a flat fee of $4.80.

Q: How to make payments, what are you live/ post story sale policies?

Oh yes! We put together a couple of images to best explain it and it can be found right here.

Please note when you claim during our live sale, these rules help to make the sweet process of claiming a crystal smooth, crystal clear and with the wheels in place, let's enjoy our mutual passion for these healing gifts borne of Mother Earth. ( and sometimes from the stars!)

Q: What is an open box?

This is a brilliant concept to save on shipping. However if you need your items straight away, this option is not for you.

The concept of an open box, is paying for your order, but we hold it till you hit the $80 threshold to qualify for free delivery. Once you do, we credit back the $4.80 to you and ship your items.

You can keep an open box for up to 1 month from the date of your first purchase or when your order reaches $80, whichever comes first.

Once you have an open box, please ask us for a coupon code to use at checkout for free-shipping. You can add items from our live sale, or from our website, and collate till your orders reach the magic 80, and we will ship your babies to you after!

You will receive refunds on any shipping overages if it has not been credited back.

Just some notes about an open box, especially from the live sale. Payment for your item must be made before they are put into your ‘open box’. Do refer to our rules to be clear about reservations and payment expectations.

Open boxes below $80 will be automatically closed after a month.

Thank you!