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Akashic Light BodyWork

with Samantha Klomp

7,8, 13-15 January 2020
75-min or 120-mins session

The Bodywork is a combination of Akashic Light Clearings & Activations and Myofascial Release Techniques - this will be done within yourAkashic Records, accessed by Sacred Prayer, to benefit from the healing energy of the Akasha. The Clearings and Activations are energetic commands used to clear blockages and activate balanced energy flow. The Myofascial Release (Muscle – Fascia – Release) is used for the release of fascia which has become stuck, hardened and dehydrated due to physical or emotional trauma. Restricted fascia and soft tissues often lead to undiagnosed pain, exhaustion and immune system dysfunctions.

During the 2 hour session, a reading of 20-30 minutes will be given prior to starting the manual therapy. During this reading you may wish to ask questions pertaining to physical pain patterns that you seek clarity on.

MFR is unparalleled in its ability to provide fundamental release from the pain and fatigue arising from physical adhesions often seen in:

• Chronic pain
• Neck and back pain
• Headaches and migraines
• Jaw problems, TMJ
• Whiplash and other trauma
• Frozen shoulder
• Sports injuries
• ‘Pulled muscles’ and muscle tears
• Scar tissue and other adhesions
• RSI, carpal tunnel syndrome
• Plantar fasciitis, heel spurs
• ‘Tendonitis’ and bursitis
• Undiagnosed or generalised pain
• Stress-related muscular tension
• Emotional stress and fatigue associated with physical trauma
• Fibromyalgia
• Myofascial Pain Syndrome
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Choose a date from the list in green and select a time from within that list:

7th January

8th January

13th January

14th January

15th January

Terms & Conditions

  • We don't accept reservations.
  • A reminder will be sent a day prior to your session via What's App.
  • No refunds for no shows.
  • Male + Female clients are welcome.
  • For any questions, please WA us on 8693 2355.