We've got you. Whether you prefer to have a VitaJuwel at home or on-the-go, or even for your pet.
We've got you. Whether you prefer to have a VitaJuwel at home or on-the-go, or even for your pet.
Feeling a little generous? The Grande dispenser is the ideal choice. It serves a copious 7 litres of gem water. This dispenser makes a beautiful centerpiece at home, or conversation starter in the office.
While these lovely bottles are pretty resistant, give yourself some added peace of mind by including a set of Black or White Loops, comprising a silicon handle and protective base. With these Loops, you can rest assured that your bottle will not be slipping away from you anytime soon.
Enjoy with water, wine or whiskey.
Bring it with you on your travels, place it in a glass of water, wine, or whiskey. Wait 7 minutes and enjoy. (yes, you can leave it in longer!)
For all the princes and princesses of the household, these pet bowls come in 3 colours, Natural White, Ocean Blue, and Slate Grey
Amethyst means 'the non-intoxicable' in classical Greek.
The ancient Greeks knew about the attributes of this gem and tried infusing their wine with amethysts to improve its taste!