- Contain & Transmit messages of equality and unconditional love from ancient advanced civilizations
- Are Energy grid links from the Earth to the Stars and other dimensions
- Are Excellent for chakra clearing & balancing.
- Are Excellent for dream work – go to sleep holding one
Metaphysical Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful. As the end of their time on Earth was coming to an end, the Lemurians programmed these crystals to teach their messages of oneness and healing — messages that would be revealed when the energy on Earth was ready to receive them. The Lemurians then planted (or "seeded") the Lemurian Crystals, encoded with their ancient knowledge and wisdom, to be found centuries later by us.
The legend continues to state that Lemurain Seed Crystals are planted in a grid pattern over the surface of the Earth and beyond, to other stars and dimensions. When you connect to a Lemurian Crystal and the energy it contains, you are also connecting to this grid of associated energies from the Earth, the stars, and beyond.
Lemurian Crystals have a distinct appearance. Look carefully at a Lemurian Crystal and you will see horizontal striations or grooves, like "bar codes," on one or more sides. Commonly, the sides of a Lemurian Crystal will have alternating striated and smooth faces. The faces at the tip of a Lemurian Crystal are small, and often a Lemurian will gently taper in size from base to tip.
As opposed to quartz that you program, Lemurian quartz is quartz that you activate. As you meditate, rub your finger along the "bar codes" on the side of a Lemurian Quartz Crystal to activate and download Lemurian knowledge and connect to the Lemurian energy grid. Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work.
The main method of using Lemurian crystals is to use them for meditating with crystals. Before you meditate with them, hold them in your hand for a period and make contact with them. This may be helpful.
Lemurian quartz crystals are easy to use. Begin by holding the stone in your hand and go into a deep state of relaxed inner awareness. Once you feel that you are deeply relaxed and have let go of all normal thought, bring your attention to the stone you are holding.
These crystals have clearly defined ridges on their sides. Softly and gently run one of your fingers over the ridges. If you feel a reason to stop at some point do so, and press gently on the stone where your finger stops.
Relax and allow any messages that the stone wishes you to learn to be given to you. Continue to follow the ridges, allowing them to take you higher and deeper into the realm of the Divine.
As you go deeper and deeper you may make contact with the angelic realms and make contact with angels or other spirit beings. Keep doing this process every day.
It is possible that it will take a few attempts before you get a message or it can happen on the first go.
These unusual stones are quite well known to aid you to connect with angels, so if you want this result continue with the process.
These unusual stones are quartz crystals, so they are easy to clean and can be cleansed regularly with running water.